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Step-by-Step Guide

This section of the guide is designed to lead you through the various relevant resources on the Internet. You will be shown how to find websites on the Internet. Each of the five headings already outlined will be broken down into worked examples of websites.

1. Planning your retirement
As stated earlier in this guide, planning your retirement is very important. There are several websites which deal with preparing to retire. There is both the social and financial change to consider.

The Internet is an excellent source for finding out more about these changes. Examples of organisations that help in planning your retirement include:
The Retirement Planning Council of Ireland ( is an organisation with charitable status which is supported by private and semi-state bodies. This organisation runs courses for people due to retire. The organisation produces a newsletter that can be received via email.

Courtesy of The Retirement Planning Councilof Ireland.

Age and Opportunity ( is a national agency that promotes greater participation by older people in society. There is a section of this website that contains information on hobbies and activities for older people. These include reading groups and arts and culture. Age and Opportunity has forged links with organisations such as the Arts Council and Public Libraries.

There are several Irish websites that contain sections on activities for older people. By using a search engine such as, you will be able to search for more websites.
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