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Section Two: Postnatal

Having a new baby is an exciting, and tiring, experience. You will be giving your baby a lot of time and attention, but don’t forget that you need a little time for yourself. has a very good section called Your Post-Baby Body dealing with how you may be feeling immediately after having your baby.

This feature is located on the left-hand side of the homepage of www.
Logging on to can access other easy to use websites containing relevant health information.

Log on to the eircom homepage, on the left-hand side of your screen is a list of topics under the heading Channels.

Click on the Health topic, which is a direct link to Bupaireland

On the left-hand side of this screen, click on Directory.

Click on Women’s Health. This page is a direct link to the following relevant websites.

These sites also relate to women’s health:

A very good easy-to-navigate site which is a must to visit, is the Information on Public Services site

Click on the link After your baby is born.
In this section there are clickable links to the following subjects:
  • Breastfeeding in Ireland
  • Maternity Care and the Public Health Nurse
  • Postnatal Care for Your Baby
  • Vaccination for Your Baby
  • Your Health After Birth
On the homepage, under the heading Health and Lifestyle click on Pregnancy advice.>> Life Stages,>> Baby. The page displayed has a number of links to sections dedicated to aspects of baby health, caring for babies and adjusting to parenthood.
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