LifeSteps Project Banner

Quick Guide
This section of the guide has been devised to provide ashort example of what information is available on the Internet relating to:
  • Healthcare
    Antenatal and postnatal healthcare, public healthcare services, private healthcare, homebirth, breastfeeding, etc.
  • Entitlements and Requirements
    Maternity leave, maternity benefit, Maternity and Infant care scheme, health and safety issues and benefits in Ireland, childcare, child benefit, lone parent payments, etc.
  • Support
    Interactive websites where parents and parents-to-be can post advice, discuss concerns and get feedback from others in a similar situation.
    Breastfeeding, unplanned pregnancy, bereavement, lone parent support, etc.

    When you use a search engine, bear in mind that the site which appears at the top of the first result page may not necessarily be the best or most accurate site.
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