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Step 3: Read terms and conditions
Almost every online shop will list its terms and conditions. It is important to understand who bears the costs of returns, how support or complaints are dealt with, etc.

Step 4: Is this better than buying locally?
You should now consider whether or not it would be better to buy locally.
In this case there is no advantage to buying this book online. It is cheaper to buy it in the shop.
However, if you were buying CDs, the prices online are often a deciding factor. A chart CD costs £9 or €13 on CD-WOW (, including shipping. The same CD costs from €16 to €21 in Dublin shops.

However, let us continue with our purchase of The Lord of the Rings at Amazon.

Step 5: Add to basket
Online shops typically have a button or link that you click in order to buy a
product. In the case of Amazon, it is a button that says

In many sites, it looks like a shopping trolley or basket.
The computer running the online shop adds this to a list of items that you are interested in. Each time you add an item to the basket, the computer remembers this. You can always remove items from your basket at the checkout, if you change your mind.

In general, it is cheaper to buy many things at once, because the cost per item for shipping goes down.
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