This section of the guide focuses on the purchase of consumer goods (CDs, books, electronics, etc.). The example used is buying the book The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien.
Step 1: Finding the right site
You need to find sites on the Internet that sell books. To do this, use a search engine such as Google (
For this guide, let us suppose that your most promising result is Amazon at
Step 2: Prices and shipping
First, find out what the shop is charging. If at all possible, get the prices in euro.
To find the actual prices, you will have to search the shop for the item you are looking for. Pretty much every online shop has a search form on the front page, to help you find the products they sell.
For example, the Amazon one looks like this:
Third party price lists
A number of online services exist that collect and compare prices for similar goods on the Internet. They aim to give the user the best price, while benefiting from advertising revenue. Good examples are kelcoo ( and pricingcentral ( and Google’s Froogal service (
Click into results
Enter the name of the book you are looking for and a page of results is returned. You can click on the book you want to buy, to get full details, including price, for the book.
As an example, here are Amazon (UK)’s results:
Remember books, for example, come out in paperback and hardback, special editions, boxed sets, etc. Using a unique number like the ISBN while searching may help.
Shipping Costs
Practically every online shop gives the shopper an indication of shipping prices, on an appropriately named page. has a suitable link at the bottom of the screen:
Exploring this indicates a delivery cost of £5 or about €7.50 for a total cost of €23.50.