LifeSteps Project Banner
Mortgage rates:
The percentage of interest paid on a home loan.

Navigate the web:
Find the websites you want and follow links within these websites to find information quickly and easily.

A word used as shorthand for ‘on the Internet‘ or ‘connected to the internet‘.

Online questionnaire:
A list of questions on a website. You can type your answers onto the screen and send the information electronically.

Portal sites:
Websites that give general information on a subject and link you directly to other websites covering the subject.

Revenue Commissioners:
The Government agency set up to collect taxes and duties and implement import and export controls.

Scrolling is the process of moving what you see on the screen upwards or downwards. This lets you view a web page, a document or some other computer material which is longer than what can be shown on a single screen-full. Scrolling is achieved using scroll-bars on the right hand side of the window that you are using to view the material. You can also scroll using the up and down arrow keys, the page-up and page-down keys and a mouse with a scroll-wheel.

Shared ownership:
You can share ownership of your new home with a local authority. You pay a mortgage on the part you own and pay rent to the local authority on the rest. You can buy full ownership at a later date.

Site subsidy:
Local authorities may provide housing sites at low cost to help people in need of housing to provide their own housing.

Stamp duty:
A tax payable on the purchase of a property.

Statement of Earnings
A letter from your employer stating your earnings or a earnings: P60.

Bars usually running along the top of the application allowing the user to carry out functions, for example menu bar, title bar, formatting toolbar.

Someone who does a professional examination of a property to determine its market value.

A website is a collection of web pages which displays information on a particular topic. Common types of websites include company websites (information about the company), online shops (where you buy goods and services and pay by credit card) and personal websites (where individuals share their interests). A website may consist of just one page of information, but will usually contain several pages, all linked together. All the pages in a website usually share the same ‘domain‘ name. For example, all the pages in the large online shop Amazon have an address (URL) that starts with ‘‘.
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