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Step-by-Step Guide

We have selected five main websites which we suggest will benefit you and a further sixteen websites which may interest you. For each of the main websites we will
  1. give the web address, which is the form of words you type into the address bar on the Internet screen.
    For example, the web address for the Life Steps website is;
  2. name the organisation or company responsible for the information available on the website;
  3. draw your attention to some information available on the website that might be useful to you and pass on any useful tips.
The websites we refer to in this guide are of three types:
  1. Government run websites where all or most of the information and printouts are freely available;
  2. Commercially run websites from private businesses that use their website to advertise their products or services but who also provide substantial information online free of charge;
  3. Websites of trade organisations where some information is freely available and some is restricted to members of the organisation.
First we take a close look at five websites that we found particularly useful, starting with the main Government website for Irish business:
BASIS stands for Business Access to State Information and Services. This Government website aims to bring together all the information you need to start and run a business in the Republic of Ireland. The first page looks like this:

The Basis website has excellent links to Government agencies and to other useful websites and is particularly good on the legal aspects of setting up a business. Simply click on the section that interests you and follow the links given in the text. For example, clicking onFunding and thenEarly Stage Business Support will bring you to this page: 

Take note of the Associated Links section on the right of the screen. This will bring you directly to websites outside BASIS that are relevant to the topic you have chosen. For example:
  • The second bullet point brings you directly to website of the Revenue Commissioners;
  • The fourth directs you to Enterprise Ireland Local Offices.
Useful Tip! This website has a section where you can print out commonly used forms from a wide range of Government agencies. Scroll down through the first page of the website to reveal the link.

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